January gave everyone at The Pines campus a chance to catch their breath and rest a bit after the busy Christmas season, but they didn’t rest for long! Folks rang in 2025 during a festive Happy Hour with delicious snacks and champagne, and the New Year means a renewed determination to stay active and fit…

December Activities
What a wonderful December it was! The month started off with folks taking the bus to a holiday concert by the Waunakee Community Band. They also attended the dress rehearsal for the Saint Aloysius Catholic School Christmas Program, which was such a treat! The campus participated in the Sauk Prairie Chamber Holly Jolly event, offering…

November Activities
November started off with a wonderful program to commemorate Veterans Day and honor our resident veterans. A big thank you to the members of VFW Lachmund-Cramer Post 7694 in Sauk Prairie for organizing it! Each resident veteran received a certificate and lapel pin, and everyone enjoyed a social afterward. Thanks also to the confirmation students…

October Activities
October 2 is National Coffee with a Cop Day, and the residents and staff were pleased to welcome six officers from the Sauk Prairie Police Department. Everyone enjoyed chatting with them and sharing cookies and coffee. We so appreciate their dedication and service to our community! The beautiful fall weather made for a great trip…

September Activities
September 8-14 was National Assisted Living Week, which is always lots of fun! Each day had a theme, like Crazy Sock Day, Sports Apparel Day and Hat Day. The Vesperman Farms ice cream truck brought treats for all, and folks took a trip to Ski Hi Fruit Farm for yummy donuts and cider. Each person…