Pines and Pine Villa folks attend dress rehearsal for St. Aloysius School Christmas program

What a wonderful December it was! The month started off with folks taking the bus to a holiday concert by the Waunakee Community Band. They also attended the dress rehearsal for the Saint Aloysius Catholic School Christmas Program, which was such a treat! The campus participated in the Sauk Prairie Chamber Holly Jolly event, offering cookie decorating at The Pines and a holiday concert at Pine Glen. There were family parties and a staff party, and so many delightful visits from students and community groups sharing their time and talents. Thank you to all for making the Season merry and bright! At the end of the month, a lucky group got to watch the release of four eagles by the Raptor Education Group. An eagle was even brought on the bus so folks could see it up close. What an unforgettable experience! To view photos, please click on the web album link below.

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